Saturday 24 April 2010

What we've been up to?

House hunting.

While in Australia we talked about the possibility of buying our own house. This was for a number of reasons:
1) We don't know when we'll HAVE to move out from here
2) There's not enough room for a 2nd child
3) It's a buyer's market at the moment
4) Time to do it up while living where we are at the moment

Last Tuesday we looked at a house the I really liked & would have bought there & then. But after a bit of down to earth talking with Tom & his dad I eventually decided the practically it wasn't really that suitable. I still love the house though!!

Then on Saturday we went to look at another one. This one suits our needs a lot better & is quite a nice house. It doesn't need really anything done to it. The most stuff we would do with it would be in the garden. But it dosen't have the same charm though as the other.

We're talking to the bank today to see if they'll lend us the money, otherwise it's back to looking.


  1. So did the bank agree to lend you the money?

  2. We couldn't get a meeting with them until next Tuesday. We went to see the finance guy at the real estate, just to get a comparison of offers. But really all he did was tell us our options with different loans, he didn't do an evaluation & tell us how much they would allow us to borrow. We would have to come back another time & do that. I understood if we decided to go ahead with getting finance from them. So I'm not sure how helpful that is in comparing with what the bank will offer us.
